During an interview with CBS, CEO of Juul (an e-cigarette company) spoke about the “1 billion adult smokers worldwide who should have the opportunity to switch to vapor products if they so desire.” This is what Juul’s main mission is: to create a device that should be significantly less harmful in comparison to a regular cigarette. It was, supposedly, an alternative to tobacco smoking.
But because of pop culture, the fun flavors of the juul, and its subsequent addictive quality, many have started using the USB/ flash drive looking device. And why not, right? It gives you the nicotine high you need, perks you up, has a super sleek design and doesn’t leave a stench like that dreadful smell that sticks to your fingers even after several washes.

CEO Kevin Burns said that you should probably not start using the Juul if you aren’t already using nicotine. “Don’t vape. Don’t use Juul,” he added. “Don’t start using nicotine if you don’t have a pre-existing relationship with nicotine. Don’t use the product,” Burn remarks.