Friday, September 20, 2024

TESDA-12 Pushes LTO Accreditation Of 58 Driving Schools


TESDA-12 Pushes LTO Accreditation Of 58 Driving Schools


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The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is pushing for the accreditation with the Land Transportation Office (LTO) of its 58 certified driving schools in Region 12 (Soccsksargen).

Rafael Abrogar II, TESDA-Region 12 director, said Thursday the move is in line with their collaboration to harmonize and enhance the training programs for drivers in the region.

He said they are currently assisting in the preparation of the technical-vocational institutions or schools with registered Driving NC (National Certificate) II programs to get the LTO accreditation.

The 58 schools have long been offering the program and made various improvements as set by the agency, he said.

TESDA-12 and LTO-12 earlier agreed to integrate their driver’s education courses to improve driving standards, especially in terms of safety.

“If LTO has 15 hours training on driving, we have our own 15-day driving course. This partnership will further strengthen the training for drivers in the region,” Abrogar said in a statement.

He said upcoming graduates of registered TESDA driving courses may use their Driving NC II certificates in applying for driver’s license with LTO.

The TESDA Driving NC II is equivalent to the required practical driving course (PDC) for non-professional driver’s license, with applicable vehicle type restriction, he said.

Those holding the Driving NC III certificates may use them to secure professional driver’s licenses, also with the corresponding restrictions.

Abrogar said LTO-12 director Macario Gonzaga has committed to fast-track the processing of the requirements and the accreditation of the concerned schools.

TESDA Director General Secretary Isidro Lapeña and LTO chief, Assistant Secretary Edgar Galvante, signed a memorandum of agreement last March 31 for the synchronization of their policies on driving schools, and the harmonization of their rules to ensure quality training for drivers in Region 12.

It provided for the complementation of the existing trainings to address uniformity and standards as well as facilitate compliance with the ease of doing business for the renewal and application of new driver’s licenses. (PNA)