Thursday, September 19, 2024

How To Trick-Or-Treat Safely This Halloween 2020


How To Trick-Or-Treat Safely This Halloween 2020


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Most of us weren’t able to anticipate that the pandemic would stretch up to the end of the year. It might even go further up to early next year. Who knows, given the situation? Hence, the crowd favorite season might be less spooky this year because of the safety measures that are being strictly implemented. It is a bit of a bummer, I know, because Halloween is not the season to hold back. Still, we all have to practice safety. Else, we won’t just be dressing up in tombs- but might actually end up in one.

You might need little tweaks to add a sprinkle of fun during the celebration. Here are some things you need to consider to have a memorable Halloween party this year:

1. Be with your kids at all times.

It is understood, your kids love Halloween and they’re desperate to go around, dressed up as their favorite superhero while collecting their favorite candies. As a parent or a guardian, you want to make your children happy, but at the same time, you don’t want to risk them getting infected. It doesn’t feel good to say no to them and you’ll most likely give in if they insist on going around houses. If so, be there at all times. Wear a mask with them. Be the one to get the goods from the house owners and don’t let them eat unless you sanitize them at home first.

2. Trick-or-treat around a place where you know it’s safe to do so.

It is impossible to know who has the virus and who doesn’t just by looking at them, but it always pays to do your research. Track the streets in your area that have no active carriers of the virus, focus your activity around there, and ask your respective Barangay captains about the status of the nearby areas.

3. Have a house party.

It is a tradition to go to the club every Halloween night to celebrate with your friends, but it is obviously risky to do so this year. It’s not even worth the risk. You might go to the club feeling thirsty for alcohol, then end up going home without being able to taste anything. So, try to keep it lowkey this year by inviting your closest friends to your home, preferably those you know who are careful and have no contact with a carrier, and plan a memorable night with them. It could be costly given that Halloween decorations are extra, but you have to remember that safety can be expensive too!

4. Choose a costume that could double as a protective covering.

There are varieties of costumes that you could choose from, so why not choose something that could also protect you? Find some superheroes who wear masks, like Spiderman or Batman. If your desired character or iconic personality doesn’t really wear a mask, then try to adjust the look by incorporating a mask, or gloves! It wouldn’t be as amazing as you hoped it would be, but it’s better to be safe than fabulous during these times.