Friday, September 20, 2024

Ilokano Volunteers Donate Blood To The Needy


Ilokano Volunteers Donate Blood To The Needy


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Responding to the call of the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) to donate blood and save a life, particularly in this time of the pandemic, about 150 blood donors mostly from this city joined the bloodletting activity on Saturday.

Organized by the Country Rice Mill and Trading Corp., led by its president Enrico “Kiko” Ang, in partnership with the PRC, the activity aims to collect more than 50,000 cubic cm. or 50 liters of blood to ensure a steady blood supply in the province.

“This is our simple way of supporting our constituents to address the blood shortage during this time of health crisis,” Ang said in an interview.

He said the activity could have been pushed earlier but due to on-and-off lockdowns and restricted mobility, it was only scheduled on October 23 as people around the city and province can move freely again under a less restrictive quarantine classification.

“We will continue what we have started as we all know how every drop of blood can save a life during emergency situations,” he said.

While monitoring the blood screening and extraction at the site with strict observance of health and safety protocols, Isabel Sandi of the PRC board of directors lauded the timely initiative of Ang’s group.

“We have been experiencing blood shortage in the province and we are just so thankful that both our public and private stakeholders continue to believe and support our advocacy,” Sandi said.

She added that the donated blood is processed into sub-components and packages as one unit.

Blood types are first established and tested for infectious diseases in the laboratory and units suitable for transfusions are labeled and stored.

Due to the pandemic scare, the PRC has observed a decline in voluntary donors, prompting the PRC to intensify its campaign on blood drives, tapping various organizations to maintain adequate blood supply.

Studies show that blood donation helps promote weight loss, reduces blood cholesterol, maintains a healthy heart, improves emotional well-being, stimulates blood cell production, and maintains optimal iron levels. (PNA)