Senator Hontiveros has led the fight against gender-based harassment with the Safe Spaces Act and other key women-centric laws. #LetsAllWelcome #LetsAllWelcome_SenatorRisaHontiveros
Vaccinated people urge to wear face shields because they could still be infected as the vaccines cannot give 100-percent immunity, an epidemiologist said.
Milo energy drink is distributing the jump ropes this month. introducing it as the new home-based sport for children to complement academic development.
As part of its ‘Where Next campagin, Glenfiddich, the World’s Most Awarded single Malt Scotch Whisky, has launched a digital experience for its customers!
Init na init ka na ba this summer? Don’t let the pandemic stop you from whipping up fun and exciting family activities with your kids with these Panasonic Appliances #MaalagangSummer at home.