Friday, September 20, 2024

Solon Wants To Revive House Subpanel On Marawi Rehab


Solon Wants To Revive House Subpanel On Marawi Rehab


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A party-list lawmaker from Mindanao on Tuesday emphasized the need to revive the House sub-committee on Marawi Recovery, Reconstruction and Rehabilitation to help oversee the necessary actions that will hasten the post-disaster recovery and normalization of the most affected communities in Marawi City, four years after it was laid to siege.

In a press briefing, Anak Mindanao party-list Rep. Amihilda Sangcopan said Marawi residents are eager to go home and rebuild their lives.

“They all wanted a roof over their heads that will bring back a sense of comfort when they sleep at night. They all want the feel of normalcy back… a life they used to have four years prior,” Sangcopan said.

Sangcopan noted that the sub-committee that was created in the 17th Congress became the platform that heard the people’s call for help, ensured the welfare of the individually displaced peoples, and oversaw the implementation of rehabilitation efforts by the Task Force Bangon Marawi (TFBM).

“We need this committee to provide us answers to the many questions that we and the people have. Questions like, how much has been spent for the rehabilitation of Marawi since 2018? And why do the people of Marawi strongly contradict government claims that it has already accomplished 65 percent of what was mapped in the rehabilitation program?” she said. “I believe these and more will be answered effectively by the revitalization of the sub-committee be realized.”

Earlier, TFBM chairperson Eduardo Del Rosario said the rehabilitation of the conflict-torn city is already 65 percent complete.

She also called for the passage of the Marawi Compensation bill, which aims to alleviate the situation of Marawi evacuees and signal the start of living life anew.

“We believe that the Marawi Compensation Bill brings hope and promise to the affected families — from the 24 barangays identified as the Most Affected Areas along with the eight more barangays classified as Other Affected Areas – since it provides a compensation scheme that may serve as assistance; an assistance that will somehow help them rebuild their homes and their lives,” she said.

The five-month battle between the military forces and Islamic State-linked Maute terrorist group in Marawi City began on May 23, 2017.

On Oct. 17, 2017, Duterte declared Marawi City free from the Maute group.

The 2017 siege in Marawi City prompted the President to place the entire Mindanao under martial rule until Dec. 31, 2019, to quell terrorism in the southern part of the country. (PNA)